How to love a woman.

Men have always wondered on how to love women. With these trusted ways form my blog every man is assured of love from the right woman. 
  1.  LOVE YOURSELF:  the first rule for to love anyone is to love yourself first. NB: you can not give to another what you don't have. that is the basis of every relationship. If your relationship is not working you should first look, to yourself: mostly the fault may becoming from you. IF YOU CANT LOVE YOURSELF YOU LOVE ANYONE EITHER.
  2. TELL HER YOU LOVE: this is the most important point on your journey to loving that special woman. A woman will never know your intention for her till you tell her and the worst if even when she expects it from you. Women cherish the phrase "I LOVE YOU" most always love to hear that every now and then. 
  3. LOVE HER FOR WHO SHE IS: never love a woman based on conditions such as: I love you because of your sexy shape, b*tts etc. what will become of such relationship when those conditions are no more available. Even though you celebrate everything that she is, just make her know that you simply love her for who she is no matter what.
  4. DON'T DWELL ON THE PAST: every relationship has it ups and downs. when such issues arise from the woman you loves side, never use it against her just try to let go and move on: NEVER USE HER PAST AGAINST HER.
  5. GET TO KNOW HER: Most men always say "My wife doesn't understand me" what should rather be said is"I don't understand my wife partner. Love can only grow and deepen through understanding. No man has ever understood a woman fully. Although you can never get get to the point where you think you know everything about her with patience and determination you will get to know her much better.
  6. PAY ATTENTION TO HER: Its absolutely vital to know that women need attention and they count it as a love. Many of the annoying habits that women have are attempts to get your attention. NB: Give her attention and you will get the love you want and and also save yourself from future annoying habits of her. although men are focused and directed, they can easily lose that focus in what they are doing: you need to find a balance that shows how important your woman is to you.
  7. START EACH DAY ANEW: Begin each day as if it is the first day of the relationship. Give her your love and tell her you love her. You've got to do it in a different way and repeat each day.                                                                                                                                                 THESE POINTS ARE SUGGESTIONS FROM MEN WITH MANY YEARS OF MARRIAGE AND TRUST THAT IT CAN BE APPLIED TO MAKE YOURS UNBREAKABLE.