“An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world–how she can please her husband.”
Wait one minute, does that essentially say, “marriage can affect our relationship with God?” Yup and when I recognized the reality of this verse in my marriage, especially after my daughter arrived, it grieved me some. Between nursing, diaper changes, heading back and forth to work, helping my husband in ministry and trying to take care of home, there was less and less time for quality time with God. My responsibilities increase, life is no longer just about me.
So I get… it can become difficult to manage it all being married with kids, especially as women our job can be round the clock. It’s easy to disconnect from God simply because we are not able to give ourselves as much to the necessary things to keep a strong relationship with Him, like prayer, fasting, reading and studying the word. When I was single I was surely devoted to God, there were no distraction and it was much easier to find quality quiet time with Him.
Now, I have to be more intentional about making time for God and I, although, the above scripture is accurate in my life, realize God is my first love and I’m also married to Him. In addition, in order to successfully accomplish all of my other goals and responsibilities in life, I need Him!
Below are 3 tips to maintain your relationship with God while married: