3 Things to Remind Yourself Everyday as a Single Christian

1.You’re Not the Only One.
Social media has a way of making us think we are the only single Christian men and women left on planet Earth. There have been many occasions that I have logged on Facebook only to find that my friend was in a relationship or see someone has gotten engaged. Then of course, all the feelings come flooding in your mind. When it will be my turn? What’s wrong with me? I’m the only one left!
This isn’t true at all. The enemy tries to trick us into thinking that were are alone in our single season. Nope! There are many single Christian men and women, just like us. They are praying, waiting and hoping for the day to come that God reveals their spouse to them. Don’t become weary in this season because you’re not the only one.
2. God Knows Your Future
Often we start to grow impatient thinking that God has forgotten about us. He is blessing everyone else with a mate but we’re still single. We want God to reveal the future to us but it’s funny that He doesn’t give us all the details. What would be the point of trusting Him, if He told us everything? There would be no reason to stand strong on the word of God.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”
Trust that God knows the future. He knows when He will manifest the blessing of you having a mate. Don’t give up on the promises of God. Mediate on His word, day and night. Know that your season is coming because God knows your future.

3. It’s not too late
Gosh! I hear this all the time. Maybe it’s too late for God to bless me with a mate. Maybe I messed up so bad in the past that this isn’t an option for me. This is all non-sense. It’s never too late for God to bless you with a mate. Age isn’t a factor. I’ve seen people get married in their mid-40’s and even some at the age of 60.
Your past doesn’t dictate your future blessings. Let go of the past! God is going to bless you with a mate in due season. Have you ever heard the saying: “He may not come when you want him but He’s right on time”. Exactly, it’s not too late, God’s is preparing the best for you!